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We’ve all been there. You’ve put in the hard work, you’ve written the perfect article, and you’ve sent it off to the publisher. But, instead of the expected response of excitement and exuberance, you receive a rejection letter. It’s a crushing blow and can be difficult to come back from. But, don’t give up just yet! Here’s how to deal with article rejection.

We’ve all been there. You’ve put in the hard work, you’ve written the perfect article, and you’ve sent it off to the publisher. But, instead of the expected response of excitement and exuberance, you receive a rejection letter. It’s a crushing blow and can be difficult to come back from. But, don’t give up just yet! Here’s how to deal with article rejection.


Which kind of rejection?


There are two types of article rejection that you may receive.

1. Soft Rejection

2. Hard Rejection

Soft Rejection

This is where the editor has rejected the article but has given you a chance to resubmit. The editor may have provided some feedback or guidance on how to improve it or may have requested that you make some changes before submitting it again.

Hard Rejection

The second type of rejection is hard rejection. This is where the editor has rejected the article outright and will not accept it in its current form. This could be due to the article not fitting the publication’s style or not meeting the criteria for submission.

It’s important to understand the difference between the two types of rejection and how to deal with them.



How to avoid rejection: Tips from the Editors


  • The best way to avoid article rejection is to ensure that you are submitting your article to the right publication.

  • Before submitting, make sure that the article is a good fit for the publication’s editorial style and content.

  • This can be done by reading a few of the articles published in the publication and getting an understanding of what kind of articles they are looking for.


  • It is also important to make sure that your article is well-written and meets the criteria for submission.


  •  Check the submission guidelines and make sure that your article meets all the requirements.


  • This includes ensuring that the article is well-researched and written engagingly.


How to Handle Rejection: Tips


If you do receive a rejection letter, it can be difficult to take. But, don’t give up just yet! Here are a few tips on how to handle article rejection.


  • The first thing to do is to take a step back and assess the situation. Take some time to read through the rejection letter and any feedback that the editor has given. This can help you to understand why the article was rejected and how to improve it.


  • Once you have assessed the situation, you can decide whether to resubmit the article or not. If you do decide to resubmit, make sure that you make the necessary changes that the editor has suggested. This can help to increase your chances of the article being accepted.


  • If the editor has rejected the article outright and won’t accept it in its current form, don’t despair! It may be worth considering submitting the article to a different publication. This can help to increase your chances of getting published.


  • Finally, it is important to remember that rejection is a part of the writing process. Don’t take it personally and don’t give up. Keep writing, keep submitting and keep improving your work.


Final Thoughts


Receiving a rejection letter can be difficult to take, but it doesn’t mean that your article isn’t good enough. It may simply be that the article isn’t a good fit for the publication or that it needs some tweaking to meet the criteria for submission.


By following the tips outlined above, you can increase your chances of getting published. Don’t give up and keep writing!     

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