HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It provides the structure and layout of a website, and allows developers to add text, images, videos, and links to create interactive and multimedia-rich web pages.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the backbone of the web. It is an essential language for anyone looking to create and structure webpages. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills, learning HTML i
Learning HTML/CSS is a great starting point for beginners in web development. To get started, here are some steps you can follow:
Set your learning goals:
Determine what you want to achieve with HTML/CSS. Do you want to build a personal website, create web pages, or
If youre having trouble centering a list in HTML, you can use CSS to achieve the desired result. Heres an example of how you can center a list horizontally and vertically within a container:
.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
An URL is encoded to convert non-ASCII characters into a format that can be used over the Internet because a URL is sent over the Internet by using the ASCII character-set only. If a URL contains characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be converted. The non-ASC