How to add dummy Data in a sql server table
1) Write Query that will insert data in a table
INSERT [dbo].[Ads] ( [ReferenceNumber], [AdName], [AdDescription], [City_Id], [Model_Id], [Year], [TransmittionType], [Color], [FuelType], [RegionalSpecs], [MortgageDetails], [AskingPrice], [MileageKM], [IsFeatured], [Account_Id], [AdStatus_Id], [TicketsQuantity], [RemainingTicketsQuantity], [CreatedDate], [ExpiryDate], [TicketPrice], [AboutWarrenty], [BodyType], [ServiceHistory], [DeleteReason], [MulkiyaFrontURL], [MulkiyaBackURL], [OwnershipDocumentURL], [OwnershipType], [IsUserFavouirte]) VALUES (N'WD-1492555', N'Audi for sale', N'Description', 2, 432, 2010, N'Automatic Transmission', N'Silver', N'Diesel', N'Japanese Specs', NULL, CAST(10000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)), 123, 1, 133, 1, 600, 598, CAST(0x0000A8CB01187186 AS DateTime), CAST(0x0000A8D2013A36E0 AS DateTime), CAST(25.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'Yes', N'Sports Car', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'6366006006380526061.pdf', N'otherOwnershipDoc', NULL)
2) Create a while loop that will repate that query
DECLARE @i int = 0
WHILE @i < 20
SET @i = @i + 1
/* do some work */
3) merg result will be below
DECLARE @i int = 0
WHILE @i < 20
SET @i = @i + 1
/* do some work */
INSERT [dbo].[Ads] ( [ReferenceNumber], [AdName], [AdDescription], [City_Id], [Model_Id], [Year], [TransmittionType], [Color], [FuelType], [RegionalSpecs], [MortgageDetails], [AskingPrice], [MileageKM], [IsFeatured], [Account_Id], [AdStatus_Id], [TicketsQuantity], [RemainingTicketsQuantity], [CreatedDate], [ExpiryDate], [TicketPrice], [AboutWarrenty], [BodyType], [ServiceHistory], [DeleteReason], [MulkiyaFrontURL], [MulkiyaBackURL], [OwnershipDocumentURL], [OwnershipType], [IsUserFavouirte]) VALUES (N'WD-1492555', N'Audi for sale', N'Description', 2, 432, 2010, N'Automatic Transmission', N'Silver', N'Diesel', N'Japanese Specs', NULL, CAST(10000.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)), 123, 1, 133, 1, 600, 598, CAST(0x0000A8CB01187186 AS DateTime), CAST(0x0000A8D2013A36E0 AS DateTime), CAST(25.00 AS Decimal(18, 2)), N'Yes', N'Sports Car', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, N'6366006006380526061.pdf', N'otherOwnershipDoc', NULL)