Convert Numbers To Words In C#
Convert Numbers To Words In C#
sometimes, we display amount on website like this Price: 14,750000 RS, it is very difficult to read,
so we write it in words , its very meaningful like Fourteen Lac and fifty thounds.....
below is some code that can convert amount from number to string.
public class ConvertAmountToString
private static String[] units = { "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three",
"Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven",
"Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen",
"Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" };
private static String[] tens = { "", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty",
"Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" };
public static String ConvertAmount(double amount)
Int64 amount_int = (Int64)amount;
Int64 amount_dec = (Int64)Math.Round((amount - (double)(amount_int)) * 100);
if (amount_dec == 0)
return Convert(amount_int) + " Only.";
return Convert(amount_int) + " Point " + Convert(amount_dec) + " Only.";
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: handle exception
return "";
public static String Convert(Int64 i)
if (i < 20)
return units[i];
if (i < 100)
return tens[i / 10] + ((i % 10 > 0) ? " " + Convert(i % 10) : "");
if (i < 1000)
return units[i / 100] + " Hundred"
+ ((i % 100 > 0) ? " And " + Convert(i % 100) : "");
if (i < 100000)
{ return Convert(i / 1000) + " Thousand "
+ ((i % 1000 > 0) ? " " + Convert(i % 1000) : "");
if (i < 10000000)
return Convert(i / 100000) + " Lakh "
+ ((i % 100000 > 0) ? " " + Convert(i % 100000) : "");
if (i < 1000000000)
return Convert(i / 10000000) + " Crore "
+ ((i % 10000000 > 0) ? " " + Convert(i % 10000000) : "");
return Convert(i / 1000000000) + " Arab "
+ ((i % 1000000000 > 0) ? " " + Convert(i % 1000000000) : "");
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