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This policy is designed to guide employees on the specified requirements of getting dressed and appearance. Employees must preserve a suitable standard of getting dressed and personal look at work and expertly conducting themselves always inside the place of work and when representing the company. The Company acknowledges the variety of cultures and religions of its employees.


This policy is designed to guide employees on the specified requirements of getting dressed and appearance. Employees must preserve a suitable standard of getting dressed and personal look at work and expertly conducting themselves always inside the place of work and when representing the company. The Company acknowledges the variety of cultures and religions of its employees.

 However, priority can be given to fitness and safety, security, and different similar considerations.


 While working for the Company employees constitutes the Company. The look of employees contributes to our recognition and the improvement of our business.

All employees are required to be neat, clean, and tidy and of clever look in a manner to give themselves always according to their professional status and get dressed in a way suitable to their role, whether or not working at the Company's premises or elsewhere.

Policy Element

 The employee must come well and cleanly dressed and must be well groomed (the grooming dictated through ethnicity and religion aren't restricted).

 • The get-dressed must be suitable for the work environment. Too revealing clothes aren't allowed.

 • The attire must project professionalism.

 • Clean and properly form clothes must be used at work

 • Clothes offensive to different employees or the public must be avoided.

What is the official Dress Code?

Our company's official get-dressed code is office/ Sami Formal/ Smart Casual/ Casual.  We may also alternate our get-dressed code in unique cases. For example, we may also require employees to put on semi-formal apparel for an event. Then, each male and woman employees have to put on suits, ties, white shirts, and suitable shoes. Our company might also introduce dress-down Friday. When employees can put on greater informal garb like jeans, easy blouses, and boots. This won’t follow if employees are meeting with customers, companions, and different outside parties. An employee’s role may also tell their get-dressed code. If employees regularly meet with clients or prospects, they have to agree to a business get-dressed code.

Dress Code Violation

 Supervisors are expected to tell employees when they may be violating the get dressed code. Employees in violation are expected to straight away accurate the issue.

This can also additionally encompass having to depart work to alternate clothes. Repeated violations or violations which have the most important repercussions can also additionally bring about disciplinary motions being taken as much as and along with a termination.

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Update on: Dec 20 2023 05:10 PM