Current Weather of Berrotarán

  • Berrotarán is city of Argentina
  • Córdoba is state of Berrotarán
  • and -64.388671875 are Latitude and Longitute of Berrotarán

Berrotarán is a small town in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. It is located about 100 kilometers from the provincial capital, Córdoba. The town has a population of around 10,000 people. Berrotarán is famous for its beautiful scenery, its rich history, and its delicious food. The town is surrounded by mountains and valleys. The Río Segundo runs through the town, and there are several lakes and reservoirs nearby. The area is popular for hiking, fishing, and boating. Berrotarán has a long history. The town was founded in the 18th century by Spanish settlers. The town was originally called "San José de las Salinas". In 1828, the town was renamed "Berrotarán" after General José María Berrotarán, a hero of the Argentine War of Independence. The town is home to several historical landmarks, including the Iglesia de San José, the Casa de la Cultura, and the Museo Histórico. The Iglesia de San José is a beautiful church that was built in the 18th century. The Casa de la Cultura is a museum that houses a collection of historical artifacts from the town. The Museo Histórico is a museum that tells the story of the town's history. Berrotarán is also famous for its delicious food. The town is known for its empanadas, asados, and dulces caseros. The empanadas are made with fresh, local ingredients and are filled with a variety of meats, vegetables, and cheeses. The asados are grilled meats that are cooked over an open fire. The dulces caseros are homemade sweets that are made with fresh fruit and nuts. Berrotarán is a beautiful, historic, and delicious town that is well worth a visit. If you are ever in Argentina, be sure to stop by Berrotarán and experience all that it has to offer.

Berrotarán Weather Today - Today’s weather situation in Berrotarán is . It is °C temperature in Berrotarán with UV Index of 10 . Wind speed in is km/h, and a wind degree in Berrotarán is with MB air pressure. Today Chances of in Berrotarán are percent. Humidity in the air of Berrotarán is %, which will cause visibility at KM. Dew point is °, the sunrise will be recorded at 05:00 am, and the sunset will be recorded at 05:00 am in Berrotarán. The people who love to see moon sight can see Moonrise in Berrotarán at 05:00 am and moonset will be recorded at 05:00 am. Check next 48 hours weather of Berrotarán city with temperature, rain chances, wind speed, visibility, humidity and air pressure.

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