Current Weather of Departamento de Candelaria

  • Departamento de Candelaria is city of Argentina
  • Misiones is state of Departamento de Candelaria
  • and -55.5 are Latitude and Longitute of Departamento de Candelaria

The Departamento de Candelaria is a department of Colombia. It is located in the north-western part of the country, and it borders the departments of Chocó, Risaralda, and Valle del Cauca. The department has a population of over 400,000 people, and its capital is the city of Quibdó. The Departamento de Candelaria is famous for its natural beauty. It is home to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which is the highest coastal mountain range in the world. The department also has a number of beautiful beaches, including Playa de Oro and Cabo Corrientes. The Departamento de Candelaria is also known for its rich culture. It is home to a number of indigenous groups, including the Emberá, Wounaan, and Katío peoples. The department also has a number of Spanish colonial towns, such as Santa Fe de Antioquia and Jericó. The Departamento de Candelaria is a popular tourist destination. Visitors come to the department to see its natural beauty, to learn about its culture, and to experience its friendly people. Here are some of the reasons why the Departamento de Candelaria is famous:

Its natural beauty:

The departamento is home to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which is the highest coastal mountain range in the world. The department also has a number of beautiful beaches, including Playa de Oro and Cabo Corrientes.

Its rich culture:

The departamento is home to a number of indigenous groups, including the Emberá, Wounaan, and Katío peoples. The departamento also has a number of Spanish colonial towns, such as Santa Fe de Antioquia and Jericó.

Its friendly people:

The people of the departamento are known for their warmth and hospitality. They are always happy to welcome visitors and share their culture with them. If you are looking for a beautiful, culturally rich destination to visit, the Departamento de Candelaria is a great option. You will find stunning scenery, friendly people, and a rich history.

Departamento de Candelaria Weather Today - Today’s weather situation in Departamento de Candelaria is . It is °C temperature in Departamento de Candelaria with UV Index of 10 . Wind speed in is km/h, and a wind degree in Departamento de Candelaria is with MB air pressure. Today Chances of in Departamento de Candelaria are percent. Humidity in the air of Departamento de Candelaria is %, which will cause visibility at KM. Dew point is °, the sunrise will be recorded at 05:00 am, and the sunset will be recorded at 05:00 am in Departamento de Candelaria. The people who love to see moon sight can see Moonrise in Departamento de Candelaria at 05:00 am and moonset will be recorded at 05:00 am. Check next 48 hours weather of Departamento de Candelaria city with temperature, rain chances, wind speed, visibility, humidity and air pressure.

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