Connection pool timeout is occurring due to the maximum pool size being reached - Solved Ask Question
By   Junaid A     23-Oct-2024    1


 Connection pool timeout is occurring due to the maximum pool size being reached - Solved

Connection pool timeout is occurring due to the maximum pool size being reached.

Here are some suggestions to address the issue:

  1. Ensure that all connections are correctly implemented within using blocks to ensure proper closing/disposal of connections (as you mentioned, this is already done).

  2. Identify the users/machines that are maintaining open connections by running the following query to determine the database id:


    sqlCopy code

    SELECT DISTINCT dbid, DB_NAME(dbid) FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid > 0

  3. Inspect all open connections for a specific database using the following query (replace the dbid with the relevant value):


    sqlCopy code

    SELECT dbid, DB_NAME(dbid) as DatabaseName, COUNT(dbid) as ConnectionCount, loginame as LoginName FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = 1 GROUP BY dbid, loginame ORDER BY count(dbid) DESC

    This query can provide insights into which users are maintaining too many open connections.

  4. Implement connection pooling in the connection string to limit the number of connections. Modify your application's connection string as follows:


    mathematicaCopy code

    Pooling=true; Min Pool Size=1; Max Pool Size=5

    This ensures that connection pooling is enabled, with a minimum pool size of 1 and a maximum pool size of 5. Adjust the max pool size based on your application's requirements.

By following these steps, you can identify and address the issues related to the connection pool timeout.


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Update on: Dec 20 2023 05:10 PM