How to increase the counter by 1 every time the image is a multiple of 3 in javascript Ask Question
By   Junaid A     27-Feb-2025    1

How to increase the counter by 1 every time the image is a multiple of 3 in javascript

To increase a counter by 1 every time the image is a multiple of 3 in JavaScript, you can use the following code:

// Assuming you have an array of image elements called 'images'

let counter = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {

// Assuming each image has an 'id' attribute

const imageId = images[i].id;

// Check if the image's id is a multiple of 3

if (imageId % 3 === 0) {




console.log(counter); // Output the final count

In the code above, we iterate over each image element in the images array. We assume that each image has an id attribute, which we retrieve using images[i].id. We then check if the imageId is a multiple of 3 by using the modulo operator (%). If the remainder is 0, it means the image is a multiple of 3, and we increment the counter variable by 1.

At the end of the loop, you can output the final count by using console.log(counter), but you can modify that part according to your requirements.


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