Junaid A
Ager koy toota hova dil jood day
horse / donkey
maza in kaam
bank corruption
balance 0
developer bhaag gia
retail ka kaam
smoking in your car , ezzzat kro rozi ki jaga ki
-buy books with weight
-body language trainer
-talking cv
-Training to Developer
- love your self
-first do yourself then others
- harmones ov positivity
-NLP : way of life
-born fear
-Fear of height
-Fear of Loud sound
Please share what error you are getting
of windows activation?
Junaid A
- A namespace is a way of organizing programming constructs.
- Keywords, Veriables,String or string
- // single line comments
- Empty or null
- . A null value typically means the value is not known, or has not yet been set,
- An empty string is simply a string with a length of zero.
- NullReferenceException
- StringBuilder
- to check dns