what are types of ssl Ask Question
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Albie S
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11:43 pm
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i need SSL for my domian?
Albie S
We can help you with that
what are charges of SSL for single domain.
Albie S
There are a couple of option we can consider as of now.
share please
Albie S
The Alpha SSL certificate will cost you £29.00 GBP per year
Whereas the Domain SSL will cost you £59.00 GBP per year.
Our technical support team will take care of the installation process for you.
Alpha SSL Certificate is a low cost, entry level SSL Certificate ideal for hosting bundles and entry level websites. Offered with $1000.00 USD underwritten warranty.
what is diffrence in alpha and
Albie S
Domain SSL is a higher end branded GlobalSign SSL Certificate with a clickable Secure Site Seal. It is widely used and offers 2048-bit encryption along with $10,000.00 USD underwritten warranty.
Domain SSL comes up with the SGC technology, which means you get an additional level of guaranteed security for the users generally recommended for the sites on which online transactions are being performed.
alpha and domian ssl
what is diffrence?
Albie S
I have explained it above
Please refer to the above messages.
Albie S
You are welcome
Let me know the one you wish to opt for
SSL Certificates – Secure Your Websites Data at eUKhostSSL Certificates to provide secure and safe online transactions, padlock your website or server for customer confidence.
Ok. i will contact again.
Albie S
You may refer to the above link and proceed with the order for the desired SSL certificate.
Goaday ssl types
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