.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. ... (As such, computer code written using .NET Framework is called "managed code".)
.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. ... (As such, computer code written using .NET Framework is called "managed code".)
Problem: When i open my proejct getting error Could not load file or assembly Newtonsoft.Json, Version= Solution: Your proejct have diffrent versin ofNewtonsoft, just keep same for all projects or quick way is upate them.
Read moreBy Junaid A 14-Aug-2024
if youre facing a problem like if DateTime is not bind in the Edit Mode You can Use The below way : @Html.TextBoxFor(model = model.CreatedDate, @{0:yyyy-MM-dd}, new { @class = form-control , @type = date}) it works for me!!
Read moreBy Ahsan 03-Jul-2024
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path for rdlc report error See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.IO.Dire
Read moreBy Junaid A 13-May-2024
solution the application requires that assembly microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel version be installed in the global assembly cache first Navigate to the main project within your solution (usually the default or startup project). Right-click on it an
Read moreBy Junaid A 08-May-2024
How to perform encprtion using RijndaelManaged How to perform encprtion using RijndaelManaged: To perform encryption using the RijndaelManaged class in C#, you can follow these steps: Instantiate RijndaelManaged: Create an instance of the RijndaelManaged clas
Read moreBy Junaid A 19-Feb-2024
The .NET Framework is a proprietary software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It was the predominant implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure until being superseded by the cross-platform .NET project.
Read moreBy Musawar Hussain 23-Nov-2023
The most recognizable of AI image generators out there is certainly DALL-E 2. This text to image system by Open AI can create realistic
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
Popular Software Architectural Patterns Layered Architecture Pattern. ... Event-driven Architecture Pattern. ... Microkernel Architecture Pattern. ...
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
To export data from an inquiry table to an Excel sheet using ASP.NET MVC and C#, you can follow these steps: Step 1: Create a method in your controller that retrieves the inquiry data from your database or any other source. Lets assume your method is called GetInquir
Read moreBy Ahsan 16-Jun-2023
UGC-NET stands for University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test. It is a national-level examination conducted in India to determine the eligibility of candidates for the posts of Assistant Professors and for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universit
Read moreBy Nauman Shafi 07-Jun-2023
Introduction: Net worth is a concept often associated with individuals or entities and reflects their financial standing. However, for an AI language model like myself, the notion of net worth takes on a different meaning. In this article, we will explore the concept
Read moreBy abrar arshad 03-Jun-2023
Save the URL on which a user currently browseseach time from the whole website. Here are somestep-by-step processon how to implement the example using an action filter to log the URL in an ASP.NET MVC application: Step 1: Create the LogUrlAttribute class Create a
Read moreBy Ahsan 03-Jun-2023
how to set session value from cookies if session is expired Step 1 Set value to cookies // Create a new cookie HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(AppConstant.LoggedInCookies.ToString()); // Set the value of the cookie cookie.Val
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
openVisual Studio 2022installer. Next, navigate the theIndividual Componentstab. You can either search, or you can scroll down and find the following:. Net Framework project and item templates. T his is the component that you are missing. VS 2022 issu
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
I want to consum api in .net, which client is best and fast to consume api. several options for consuming APIs in .NET, and the choice of client depends on your specific needs and requirements. Here are some popular choices: HttpClient: This is a built-in .NET c
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
How to send PDF as email attachment in mvc C# Controller code: using ServiceProvider.EF; using ServiceProvider.WebUI.Model; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using ServicePro
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
use dapper in mvc # Dapper is a popular micro-ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for .NET that allows you to perform efficient and fast database operations with minimal overhead. Heres an example of how you can use Dapper in an ASP.NET MVC project:
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
create appointment booking page with available time slot using database ms sql server To create an appointment booking page with available time slots using MS SQL Server, you can follow these general steps: Create a database table to store appointment i
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
Display Date in edit mode in mvc 1- In database table data type is Date e.g date_invoice 2- in DTO or class property is as below public DateTime date_invoice { get; set; } 3- in html view html is like this @Html.TextBoxFo
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
In C#, you can use the FileSystemWatcher class to monitor a directory for changes. Here is an example of how to use the FileSystemWatcher class to monitor a directory and handle changes: using System; using System.IO; class DirectoryWatcher { static voi
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
How to submit form on dropdown change using jQuery Step 1 - HTML code @using (Html.BeginForm(Index, Dashboard)) { @Html.DropDownListFor(model = model.vendor_id, new SelectList((System.Collections.IEnumerable)TempData[vendorslist], vendor_id, name
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
Best practice to create CRUD in MVC 5 using jQuery Java Script HTML C# Code Java Script Code function AddDiagnosis(id) { if (id 0) { $.get(/Diagnosis/CrudDiagnosis, { id: id }, function (data)
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Asp.Net Core is a powerful and versatile open-source web framework that enables developers to create modern, dynamic applications for the web. Developed by Microsoft, Asp.Net Core allows developers to build websites and services with .NET in an efficient manner while ta
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
[solved] Show data in grouping in winforms datagrid view below is very usefull URL. this is custom control, you can just download and add refrence and use it.
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
set cell value from session and Eval in set cell value from session and Eval in value=%# Eval(Price).ToString() == 0.00 ? Session[sf] : Eval(Price) % web forms repeater
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
How to add Group by in report with sum in RDLC report in visual studio - Right click on the middle of the row of the port table -Right click and choose add group -on Icon- choose the column on which you want to group and choose option show footer -merge the
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Problem: when we are using jQuery - some time page take time to load- so to make user busy, we need to display some mesage or icon, that is called as Block UI. Solution: its very simple you just need to add 2 lines in your layout page and job is done. Ad
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Steps to create report in visual studio Copy Existing reports or right click the folder and and choose item you can choose simple report or you can create report from the wizard. Rename the copied reports when you will copy the reports - ites related data set
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Add Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 as a prerequisite in Setup project - C# Download Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable Package from URL = 1- Create Folder folder on your d
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Problem: when we publish website using Visual Studio, we are getting following erros. publish has encountered an error Object reference not set to an instance of an object A diagnostic log has been written to following location Change the target location in pub
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Convert Numbers To Words In C# Problem: sometimes, we display amount on website like this Price: 14,750000 RS, it is very difficult to read, so we write it in words , its very meaningful like Fourteen Lac and fifty thounds..... below is some code
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
Learn about the .NET platform that powers C# applications The .NETFramework (pronounced as dotnet) is a proprietary software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. What is .NET? Formally, .NET is an open source developer
Read moreBy aj 09-Sep-2022
has exceeded the allotted timeout of 00:01:00 Problem: I am using web service in my website, when I debug the code in my website and web service. I get error opertion time out, error message is ...has exceeded the allotted timeout of 00:01:00 Solution:
Read moreBy Junaid A 25-Aug-2022
How to Install missing component in visual Studio? in search bar of Windows 10 type Visual Studio Installer Choose VS Version and run it, then you can see Installed version Visual Studio. click on Modify and install your missing components
Read moreBy Junaid A 01-Aug-2022
Difference Between svc and asmx. ASMX defines web services called by an Active Server Page (.ASP file) SVC, or .svc, is a computer file extension utilized by Microsofts Windows Communication Foundation to symbolize a service hosted by Internet Information Services
Read moreBy Junaid A 01-Aug-2022
how to call wcf in postman? in app.config change service name=GettingStartedLib.WeatherService project name+service name line# endpoint address= binding=basicHttpBinding contract=GettingStartedLib.IWeather change bnding and contract name line# 23 add base
Read moreBy Junaid A 01-Aug-2022
1- Date Time Formatting using CONVERT You can use the CONVERT function to cast a datetime datatype to a formatted string. SELECT GETDATE() AS [Result] -- 2016-07-21 07:56:10.927 You can also use some built-in codes to convert into a specific format. Here are t
Read moreBy Junaid A 29-Jul-2022
The provided URI scheme http is invalid; expected https. vbCrLf Parameter name: via. solution in web.config change security mode=Transport/ to security mode=None/
Read moreBy Junaid A 26-Jul-2022
Deployment error on IIS This configuration section cannot be used at this path Solution Some servies of IIS are not enabled, if you installed .net version those are enabled. so below are the steps to enable them. Heres what worked for me, had a s
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Jan-2019
public FileResult Download(int id) { var filename = string.Empty; var model = db.Cracks.Find(id); filename = model.CracksImage; string url = HttpContext.Server.MapPath(~/ + AppConstants.RecipesImages+/+ filename); byte[
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 26-Nov-2018
First div and give id footer: div id=footer This is footer /div this is css: #footer { background-color:red; position:fixed; bottom:0px; left:0px; right:0px; height:50px; margin-bottom:0px; }
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 11-Oct-2018
routes.MapRoute( name: Status, url: client-registration-status, defaults: new { controller = ClientSignup, action = ClientRegistrationStatus, id = UrlParameter.Optional }, namespaces: new[] { SmSystem.WebUI.Areas.FrontEnd.Controllers }
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 05-Oct-2018
1)First Create tables 2)In controllr write this code public class AddressController : Controller { ContactInfoEntities db = new ContactInfoEntities(); public ActionResult Index() { ListCountry CountryList = db.Countries.ToList();
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 25-Sep-2018
In Itableservices void UpdateProductViews(int proId); in tbaleservice public void UpdateProductViews(int proId) { try { using (DbContext context = new saudiphonedbEntities()) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(U
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 22-Sep-2018
how to Start working core mvc Solution Start working core following nugets are required Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools Micros
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Aug-2018
How to add ckeditor in mvc? Solution 1) Copy CkEditorFolder 2) Add refrence of Js file script src=../../ckeditor/ckeditor.js/script 3) in html view add control e.g textarea class=form-control name=BriefDescription id=BriefDescription rows=3
Read moreBy Junaid A 13-Aug-2018
1) In cache key item public const string MostViewedProduct = MostViewedProduct; 2) In IproductService IEnumerableProduct_LookUp_MostViewedProductList_Result GetProductListByMostViewedProducts(Boolean useCache); 3) In product service public IEnumer
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 05-Jul-2018
a href=@Url.RouteUrl(sellerproductsdetails, new { controller = Product, action = UcProductListByClientID, catid = seller, id = @item.ClientName.ToSeoUrl() + - + @item.ClientID }) public ActionResult UcProductListByClientID(string id ) { // take only 4
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 30-Jun-2018
modified the DBcontext public class WeedingContext : DbContext { public WeedingContext() : base(WeddingDb) { } . . . . . by add in new code for the DBContect to extent the SQLServer timeout public class WeedingContext : DbContext { public W
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 25-Jun-2018
Use this to show date or time as you want? var dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now; // Return 00/00/0000 00:00:00 var dateOnlyString = dateTimeNow.ToShortDateString(); //Return 00/00/0000 Regards:Zaif Ullah
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 25-Jun-2018
1- Make action for crud in any controller. public ActionResult CrudCustmor() { return View(); } 2- Add its view and insert the following code in it. @model IVR.EF.CUSTOMER @{ ViewBag.Title = ; Layout = ~/Views/Shared/_Layout_Admin.cshtml;
Read moreBy Haider 21-Jun-2018
What are types of the API SOAP: Web APIs such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) RPC: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) JSON-RPC and XML-RPC REST: most popularat least in name Representational State Transfer (REST) api is used to communicate from softwar
Read moreBy Junaid A 12-Jun-2018
The following steps demonstratehow to select multiple rows in grid. 1) Set selectable mode to multiplein the options of the grid. $(#rowSelection).kendoGrid({ dataSource: {
Read moreBy Haider 04-Jun-2018
how to debug performance issue in mvc Profile and debug your ASP.NET MVC app with Glimpse The following commands install Glimpse MVC5 and EF6 modules from the package manager console: Instal following nuget PM Install-Package Glimpse.MVC5 PM Insta
Read moreBy Junaid A 01-Jun-2018
If anyone is facing the runtime error named as Parser Error . Then simply go to your web.config file and make sure that in System.web tag have only following attributes. system.web compilation debug=true targetFramework=4.5 / sessionState timeout=60 / htt
Read moreBy Usman Jafar 28-May-2018
A project with an output Type of Class Library Cannot be Started directly In order to debug this project ,add an executable project to this solution which references the library project. set the executable project as the startup project.
Read moreBy shaheer 26-May-2018
How to use unbind and bind event in javascript 1. bind() $(#BoxId).bind(click, (function () { $(span).text(Single Clicked); })); 2. unbind() Unbind or detached the existing events is quite easy, just need to specified the attached event typ
Read moreBy Junaid A 18-May-2018
How to disable browser cache in mvc Problem: mvc some time show old data in screens. to avoid this issue we need to disable cache. Solution 1) Create a Filter using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-May-2018
Problem: I have kendo grid mvc, for some record date is null, if we are parse null date, it gives some incorrect result. to avoid this issue, we shd parse date if date is not null. Solution: How to add not null check in kendogrid client template colum
Read moreBy Junaid A 15-May-2018
Web helper error occurs because there is missing nuget web.helper which cause this error. We only need to install nuget mention below. Go to tools bar in visual studio,---- then go to Nuget package manager ---- then Package manager console and install this. Ins
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 04-May-2018
On validation show related tab in mvc Problem: I have a mvc view. where i have multiple tabs. when user submit form. tab should be activated on which validation message is occuring. Solution on Form Sumbit in jquery function of page submit o
Read moreBy Junaid A 01-May-2018
This validation give error if field is empty and if number is incomplete. label for=PhoneNumberCell Number:/label input type=text data-role=maskedtextbox data-mask=9999-9999999 id=ContactNo name=ContactNo data-validmask-msg=Phone number is incomplete required=requir
Read moreBy Zaif Ullah 30-Apr-2018
1 Frist you have make the Controller and make the two table in database. 2 Name the table in database and you have make the folder in the name of database. 3 you have import the database in the Controller using System; using System.Collections
Read moreBy shaheer 27-Apr-2018
How to add dummy Data in a sql server table 1) Write Query that will insert data in a table INSERT [dbo].[Ads] ( [ReferenceNumber], [AdName], [AdDescription], [City_Id], [Model_Id], [Year], [TransmittionType], [Color], [FuelType], [RegionalSpecs], [Mortgag
Read moreBy Junaid A 26-Apr-2018
Auto logout when user not using website Problem: if user is not using website for some time, user shd be logout automatically. Solution: add below code in Java Script function idleLogout() { var t; window.onload = resetTimer;
Read moreBy Junaid A 25-Apr-2018
Login with facebook in mvc 1) Create a Facebook App using then get following keys 2) add in web.config add key=FacebookAppId value=383189645425584/ add key=FacebookAppSecret value=59e9bf6b1d846cc947ab9a70dfc2aa98/
Read moreBy Junaid A 24-Apr-2018
How to increase performance in mvc? 1 ) Increasing the Performance of Entity Framework with Projection Queries A standard Entity Framework query // returns a list of Posts with all the fields var posts = context.Posts.ToList(); Projection quer
Read moreBy Junaid A 23-Apr-2018
How to add First and Last button option in mvc page list Solution: its very simple just add PagedListRenderOptions.ClassicPlusFirstAndLast So code in mvc view will be as @Html.PagedListPager(Model.Ad, page = Url.Action(Index, new { page, pageSize =
Read moreBy Junaid A 23-Apr-2018
Frist you can make the database Table in the Dropdown you have enter the project name with database. you enter the database in Controller you enter in action you make the list with object and make the new list and write table name with table id and table name.
Read moreBy shaheer 20-Apr-2018
How to activate tab on which validation error is occuring on page submit call below code in javascript var validator = $(form#BrowseAccountEdit).kendoValidator({ validate: function () { var tabId = $(.k-invalid:first).attr(data-tabid); var tabL
Read moreBy Junaid A 18-Apr-2018
Your connection is not secure error while using ssl some time we get red alert in while we are using ssl, or get alert get message insecure contents block Solution: when we used SSL schema is https then we shd have https for all css/js. Check if a sites conn
Read moreBy Junaid A 12-Apr-2018
Bundling and Minification in mvc a) Bundling allow to load more than one file in one request b) Minification remove unnecessary white space and comments and shortening variable names to one character. in App_Start\BundleConfig.cs add following function
Read moreBy Junaid A 10-Apr-2018
how to get first and last character from a string C# Solution public static string FirstLast(string word) { return word[0] + ... + word[word.Length - 1]; }
Read moreBy Junaid A 10-Apr-2018
How to send email in mvc with attachment Step1 Create a class and set properties those will be used to support email system [Serializable] public class EmailMessageObject { private string _fromemail; private string _fromname;
Read moreBy Junaid A 10-Apr-2018
How to speed up mvc - Set Debug=false -Cache, Compression, httpCompression - Compress dynamic and static types system.webServer security requestFiltering requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength=2147483647 / /requestFiltering /sec
Read moreBy Junaid A 10-Apr-2018
How you can install SSL on Godady Login to Plesk control panel, Click on Website Domains, then choose a domian like Step 1) then click on SSL Certificate then submit a form to Get key. Step 2) Then go to hosting and Click on Manage SSL or set up ssl. th
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
How to preserve session using cookie? How to preserve session all time until user is logged out Just get value from cookie and reset it all time from cookie if session is nul, Create a BaseController and override OnActionExecuting, when any action is called.
Read moreBy Junaid A 04-Apr-2018
How to Perform crud in mvc 1) open the visual studio and sql Server 2) frist you can make the database in Sql Server in the name of ContractManagement and make the table in the name of Contract and add the Columns in the of (ContractID,Name,Email,Phone
Read moreBy shaheer 30-Mar-2018
Connection pool timeout is occurring due to the maximum pool size being reached - Solved Connection pool timeout is occurring due to the maximum pool size being reached. Here are some suggestions to address the issue: Ensure that all connections are c
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
QUESTION : System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException HResult=0x80131920 Message=Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details. Source=EntityFramework StackTrace: at System.Data.Entity
Read moreBy Tashif Ghaffar 20-Dec-2024
If you have a controller with the same name (e.g., "HomeController") in different projects and you want to differentiate between them, a straightforward solution is to specify the project name when creating a route map. By doing so, when you run the application, it wi
Read moreBy Musawar Hussain 17-Dec-2024
Problem: when I access appliction in browser, I see following error message HTTP Error 500.24 - Internal Server Error:An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode. Solution: Fix - Create application pool with the sa
Read moreBy Junaid A 19-Dec-2024
Problem: I deployed mvc website on new server and getting below error " Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms'" Solution: on new server install MICROSOFT REPORT VIEWER 2012 RUNTIME and MICROSOFT REPORT VIEWER 2015 RUNTIME
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
Most PopularInterviews Questions developer with Answers 1- Design patterns (Singleton, Abstract, Repository) is template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Singleton Design Pattern: This pattern ensures that th
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
In .NET Core, you can retrieve values from the appsettings.json file using the Configuration object provided by the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration package. Here's how you can do it: Add a reference to the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration package in your project.I
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
How to set defaultroute in mvc application from web.config Solution: Add Key web.config as below add key=DeafaultPageAfterLogin value=/MyOrderedMeals / in controller or route.config file set redirect url to if (ConfigurationManager.AppS
Read moreBy Junaid A 19-Dec-2024
on API CALL GETTING BELOW ERROR The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long.
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Problem: I tried to connect reports view in - Getting eror "an error occured during local report processing." when I click on "View Report" Solution: to fix this issue go to "Report Data" Choose data source , click on properties of Dataset and set sql server
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
Error Details: When I run Project in visual studio getting below error. if ypu haSeverity Code Description Project File Line Error An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign bin\Debug\app.publish\projectname.exe. SignTool Error: No certificates were
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Problem: When I try to run project in Visual Studio 2019, I am getting below error. Error Details: Server Error in / Application. Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad3
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
What is difference between static method and non-static method in C#?
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
What is byte array in C#? can you please give any exmaple?
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
Why do we use list in C#? can you give any exmaple?
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
The setup for this installation of visual studio is not complete. Please run the visual sutdio installer again to correct the issue. Solution: Just right click on solution file and open it with any version of visual studio.
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
Step 1 private void ParseRss(NewsCategory categoryItem) { // get rss link } Step 2 upadate rss using task.wait all public void PorcessNews() { var newsCategoryList = _storedb.NewsCategories.ToList(); Task.WaitAll((from product in news
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
Date of Brith of .net core what is age of .net core? VersionRelease dateReleased with.NET Core 1.02016-06-27Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.NET Core 1.12016-11-16Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.0.NET Core 2.02017-08-14Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3.NET Core 2.12018-05-30Vi
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Manual Testingis a type of software testing in which test cases are executed manually by a tester without using any automated tools. The purpose of Manual Testing is to identify the bugs, issues, and defects in the software application. Manual software testing is the
Read moreBy Shoaib Khan 17-Dec-2024
HandshakeForm is form Id e.g https:=""" id="HandshakeForm" method="post" novalidate="novalidate">
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
How to Make Seesion Value From User Table How to Use session IN Layout Page For User Role Task
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
1) Install nuget using SelectPdf; Select.HtmlToPdf.17.3.0 2) Create html page pass that html page to pdf page using following way public ActionResult MyPDF(int id) { var ticketDetail = _uow.Tickets.GetById(id); var
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
error opening the file for writing: c:\program files \erl10.2\erts-102\bin\epmd.exec
Read moreBy Nawab 20-Dec-2024
Chat with us! Albie S Sales Advisor Good Albie S Hello. How may I help you? Hi Developer Developer HI i have shared hosting with godady. Albie S Welcome to live chat support Developer i have one question. Albie S 11:43 pm Sure Please let me
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error The "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.Csc" task could not be loaded from the assembly E:\Work_Assign\Installment\TFS\Installment\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.1.0\build\..\tools\Microsoft.Build
Read moreBy M Abuzar 17-Dec-2024
How to activate Zong Package how to apply zong package Solution Prepaid MBB 100 GB BundleGet 100 GB for 30 days in Rs.3720 Auto Renewal does not Apply To Activate/Deactivate: Dial *6767# from your Zong Master number or login the MBB device interface (http://192.1
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
How to update skin of mvcgrid how to change theme of mvc grid. Solution Just repplace mvcgrid dll in nuget folder e.g E:\New Projects\WD\SC_F\WD\Weladela\packages\MVCGrid.Net.\lib\net40
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Quesiton: I tryed to run the visual sutdio 2017 and getting below error. The setup for this installation of visual studio is not complete. Please run the visual studio installer again to correct the issue. Solution
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Question Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine I am getting above error, while try to process *.doc or *.csv file from C# Answer: following stesp
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
How to upload file on ftp how to unzip file and upload on ftp Solution using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Web
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
what are POCO classes? POCO classes (from "plain-old CLR objects")
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
$ - string interpolation string name = "zahid"; var date = DateTime.Now; // Composite formatting: Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}! Today is {1}, it's {2:HH:mm} now.", name, date.DayOfWeek, date); // String interpolation: Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}! Tod
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Quesiton: I am getting following error, while redirect in mvc Child actions are not allowed to perform redirect actions mvc
Read moreBy Junaid A 17-Dec-2024
explain diffrent plugin in jquery
Read moreBy khalid 20-Dec-2024
explain diffrent types of filters
Read moreBy khalid 21-Dec-2024
please give help me what is grid view
Read moreBy khalid 20-Dec-2024
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int64 ToInt64(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Read moreBy Asif Jan 21-Dec-2024
Problem: Unable to lanuch the ISS Express Web server in mvc when i run project get above error.
Read moreBy Junaid A 20-Dec-2024
How to Hide Elements in Print?
Read moreBy Adil Shahbaz 20-Dec-2024
Problem: I am browsing diffrent pages,, i want to get url of previous page. on current page. Solution: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
Can any one tell me about how to make area as default route ?
Read moreBy Adil Shahbaz 20-Dec-2024
Web development basic information
Read moreBy Junaid A 21-Dec-2024
How to use Github In visual studio Get Latest form Git using visual studio For code sharing we use TFS or Git as version control. to use Github get latest code. we need to Install Github Extenstion Steps Open Visual Studio Tools Extensions and Udates Onll
Read moreBy Junaid A 03-Oct-2023
How to save login detail into cookies: Step 1: Create a Class public class ManageCookies { public void SetCookies(string EncodedCredentials) { HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[GlobalCookieName] ?? new HttpCookie(GlobalCoo
Read moreBy Adil Shahbaz 19-Feb-2018
I this artical i will explain how to save value in cookies and how to get those values when needed. why we need this I was developed a Web application in mvc where session time out create problems ,so to handle this satuation i use cookies. without time was
Read moreBy Nawab 15-Feb-2018
Here im going to explain how you can create enum and get theDescription of your enum for instance your enum class public enum MyEnum { [Description(Invalid Email or Passwrod)] INVALID_LOGIN = 2002 } Now you want to get[Description(Invalid Em
Read moreBy Nawab 31-Jan-2018
How to bind drop down in mvc 5 ? Problem: I have a web form, i want to show dropdown in that page, i want to fill the dropdown values from database. Solution. 1-Code that will return list of user types from database. var itemss = Model.GetBuye
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Sep-2023
Implementing Active Directory Login in an ASP.NET MVC application involves several steps. Here is a basic guide to get started: Step 1: Create an ASP.NET MVC Application Create a new ASP.NET MVC application using Visual Studio. Step 2: Install Required Packages In
Read moreBy Junaid A 28-Feb-2023
public class BusinessManager { //InnerException.Common.BusinessManager. //InnerException.Common.BusinessManager.FMShare() public static string FMShare() { return; } Calcula
Read moreBy Junaid A 24-Feb-2023
Problem: how to create folder if missing in website Solution: add key in web.config add key=UploadedFilePath value=C:\menuitemphoto\/add in your code write below string fileuploaddingpath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[UploadedFi
Read moreBy Junaid A 10-Feb-2023
[HttpPost] public ActionResult index(HttpPostedFileBase file) { if(file!=null) { WebImage img = new WebImage(file.InputStream); img.Resize(150, 150); if (img.Width==150 ) { string path = Path.Combine
Read moreBy shahid Riaz 02-Jan-2019
How to enablegzip compression in mvc Soluiton: just add this function in global.asax.cs file void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e) { var app = sender as HttpApplication; if (app != null)
Read moreBy Junaid A 16-Apr-2018
Hosting Server Connect Timeout Security Hosting Server Connect Timeout HTTP 504 Unable to Connect to the Origin Server Please try again in a few minutes Error details: Error Code: HTTP 504 Error Code: Backend or gateway connection timeout.
Read moreBy Junaid A 13-Apr-2018
Data visualization is an essential aspect of modern web applications, allowing users to understand complex information quickly. One popular type of chart for displaying data trends over time is the Area Chart. In this article, we will explore how to implement an Area Ch
Read moreBy Junaid A 10-Feb-2018
Enter an email address to invite a colleague or co-author to join you on socimo. They will receive an email and, in some cases, up to two reminders.