Some of the important topics to learn C# quckilly.
Microsoft Net Framework

Some of the important topics to learn C# quckilly.

Important Topics:
•  Data types and variables

•  Logic and conditionals

•  Methods

•  Classes and objects

•  Interfaces and inheritance

•  Generics and collections

•  Delegates and events

•  Exceptions and error handling

•  LINQ and lambda expressions

•  File input and output

•  Enums and structs

•  Attributes and reflection

•  Threads and tasks

•  Async and await

•  Serialization and deserialization

•  Dependency injection and inversion of control

some resources to learn these topics:


Learn C# | Free tutorials, courses, videos, and more | .NET

This is a comprehensive resource from Microsoft that covers various aspects of C#, from the basics to the advanced features. It includes courses, tutorials, videos, documentation, and more.


Learn C# | Codecademy This is an interactive online course that teaches you the fundamentals of C#, such as data types, variables, logic, conditionals, methods, classes, objects, interfaces, inheritance, and more. It also includes projects and quizzes to test your skills.


The Best C# Tutorials for Beginners to Advanced Programmers - Stackify

This is a curated list of 30 C# tutorials that cover various topics and levels of difficulty. It includes tutorials on console applications, web applications, databases, testing, debugging, and more.

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